Things are looking good. Our DNS stuff is working out, and I am getting the CVS, Mailing lists, bug tracking stuff all setup. I think I have replied to everyone who offered DNS hosting. If I missed someone, I apologize. Hotmail doesn't save out-going messages unless you tell it to (I don't have the default setup for that. oops.) so I couldn't verify if I missed anyone or not. In anycase, we have a Primary and Secondary setup, and are just waiting for the data bases to be updated.
Also, I am starting a little sub project, which PureLS will be dependant on for developers wanting to compile the core files. I am compiling my own Win32 header files. I have gotten several responses back from people after requesting information on Win32 headers, and it was suggested to look at Borland, or MinGW headers. I got PureLS to compile under MSVC using the /Za compiler switch (strict ANSI-C compliance, actually it means Disable Language Extensions) with the MinGW headers!
So, why am I wanting to compile my own header files if some already work? I feel like it. Plus it'll let me learn a bit more about Win32 depandancies etc. All of this is leading up to getting PureLS to compile under something other then MSVC. It probably would now, however since we aren't releasing the full source code at this point it isn't my top priority. But as soon as we finish up the next couple of releases and start really utilizing the native PureLS code and release the source, I will be working to get PureLS to compile with the GNU tools, LCC and the likes.